Abundant Health, Reimagined.
Holistic nutrition coaching, comprehensive lab testing, intuitive energy work, chakra balancing and human design to create balance, alignment and connection in the body, the mind, and the soul.
Where Holistic Nutrition Meets Energetics.
My mission is to help women improve their gut, hormone, thyroid, and autoimmune health and re-connect with themselves using Functional Nutrition and labs, nervous system support, energetic healing, chakra balancing and the framework of Human Design.

Hey there, I'm Hope.
As a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner, Human Design expert and Reiki Practitioner, I guide women to uncover layers of dysfunction and imbalances that are hindering them from living their fullest lives.
Many of my clients come to me having tried multiple modalities, but have never seen the full picture and have not gone to the depths of relating how their physical health (their gut, hormones, thyroid, autoimmune issues, mystery symptoms) is truly impacted by their mental, emotional, and spiritual health.
The work I do incorporates every aspect of your wellness: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. I use Functional labs to get to the root cause of your physical symptoms, and use the results, along with your symptomology and in-depth lifestyle analysis to create a customized blueprint for your health journey.
In addition, we will take a deep-dive into your Human Design and your energetic makeup to pinpoint how your energy leaks (and imbalanced chakras) are contributing to your chronic symptoms – and this is where things are really going to take off for you.
It is through this holistic journey, connecting the body with functional labs, the mind with work on the nervous system, and the spirit with energetic clearing, chakra balancing and Human Design, that we can truly begin to heal.
Together, with a customized protocol, we will ignite the healer within to allow your body to do what it was DESIGNED to do…HEAL.
Are you ready to feel Hopeful and Wholesome?

My 1:1 programs take a holistic approach to healing, combining the mind, body and spirit for wholeness.
All of my programs are customizable based on the level of support you are looking for in your journey.
And they all use 3 foundational labs to collect data and find patterns: The Dutch Test, The GI Map, and the HTMA, with infinite resources available to you to get to the root of your imbalances and dysfunctions in order to facilitate your journey to abundant health.
Because I take a holistic approach to your wellness, we’re not only addressing the physical aspects of the imbalances you’re experiencing but we’re connecting the mind and the spirit as well.
With Human Design, intuitive energy balancing through chakra healing, energy attunements and Reiki to clear out stagnant energy, we can address all 3 aspects of your health: the mind, the body and the spirit.
This multifaceted approach is what gets my clients results that they haven’t been able to find anywhere else.

My self-guided programs invite you to take a self-paced approach to elevating your thyroid, gut, and hormone health.
If you have already done some work on healing your body, if you are proficient at reading your internal cues and employing body awareness, then these self guided programs will give you the extra oomph you need to get you to the next level of wellness.
Take a self guided approach to elevating your thyroid, gut, and hormone health.
I see you, sister.
Your joints are aching, your energy crashes at 2pm every day, your period is running your life, your brain is complete and utter mush, and while you are thankful for therapy, your anxiety and depression just AREN’T getting better. AND on top of it all…
- You’re going to ALL the doctors, trying to find answers, trying to find solutions for your long-term chronic symptoms.
- You’re struggling to be heard by the conventional medical system.
- You’re frustrated by the medical gaslighting and being brushed off or told your labs are “fine”.
- You’ve tried all the things, but you know that you haven’t really gone to the depths of yourself to really know what it’s like to live FREE…you KNOW there is something more out there for you.
- You want to feel heard… you want someone to treat you as the whole, spiritual being that you are… not just a body.
- You’ve had your symptoms treated from one perspective, but feel there is a piece missing… the HOLISTIC piece (the body, mind and spirit) is something you’re longing for.

You might be wondering if it’s possible to actually feel like your favorite self, have sustained energy throughout the day, to *look forward to* your period (yes, I mean it!) and instead of living on autopilot, to be fully present in your life…
I’m here to tell you that it IS possible.

This is where I come in.
I’ve combined functional labs, deep-dive holistic support, and the framework of Human Design into one powerful program to help you understand the root cause of your chronic diagnoses, where your energy leaks are located, and in what areas of your life you aren’t truly acting in alignment with your highest self.
- Imagine living without the gut issues that rule your life.
- Imagine functioning as your best self during your period.
- Imagine tapping into the power of your intuition to heal heal your body
- Imagine How It Is Going To Feel To Never Put Taking Care Of Your Body On The Back Burner EVER Again.
- imagine getting off your meds and feeling like a normal human again.
- Imagine living as the best example to your family and loved ones.
- Imagine feeling so fulfilled in your soul because you are able to go full throttle in your career or business.
Have you ever paused and considered?
- What is your exhaustion telling you?
- How is your environment impacting your body?
- How are your daily habits adding up over time to create your daily aches and low energy?
If not, read on.

So many of us spend an excessive amount of energy being someone who we are not - living our life by the “should’s”.
This could be from societal conditioning, beliefs as a collective, or imprint from our familial beliefs.
Wherever these stem from, it keeps us living behind a mask, holding up this facade.
When these behaviors don’t fit into our energetic blueprint, they end up requiring us to spend an excessive amount of energy trying to hold up this facade that just isn’t YOU.
When we spend so much time doing this, we start to meet resistance and it starts to manifest itself physically in the body…
Through things like burnout, exhaustion, a weakened immune system, weakened adrenals and more.
Human Design allows us to discover what our true, unique energetic blueprint is. When we can understand who we are on an energetic level, we can live in alignment with who we are meant to be.
In addition to Human Design, I use chakra balancing and Reiki to help you find where in the body your energetic imbalances are.
And this is why I absolutely love looking at wellness through the lens of Human Design.
This framework enables us to understand the root causes of so much chronic disease, where your energy leaks are located, and in what areas of your life you aren’t truly acting in alignment with your highest self.
It is combining the system of Human Design and chakra balancing with the functional labs and a completely holistic approach that creates this holistic self-knowledge system to bring the body more towards complete healing.

Client Love
“Regaining control in my body during times of extreme stress was the most beneficial outcome to the whole process.”
-Maggie, 1:1 Client
Resetting my stress levels, getting rid of parasites, and balancing my minerals has helped me immensely. I used to be on a fitness tracker almost hourly trying to plan my next meal and hit certain macros. I am so thankful to be free of that unhealthy lifestyle. I feel free again.”
-Alison, 1:1 Client
I’m actively creating a path forward to fully “thrive” instead of just “survive” in my life…Thank you Hope!”
– Ashleigh, 1:1 Client
If you are FINALLY ready to feel unstoppable, balanced, hopeful & wholesome, book a discovery call TODAY and let’s get you back on track.
This is the last piece to your healing puzzle. The work we do leaves no stone left unturned because we’re doing the most comprehensive, holistic work you will ever do on yourself. THIS is the final step to healing.

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With more than 100 episodes to explore and over FIFTY 5 star ratings, listen in as Hope explores tangible tips and simple steps for health, wellness, self improvement and more!
Host and wellness expert Hope Pedraza is combining her fitness and wellness expertise along with inspirational interviews from leading health and wellness experts, as well as inspirational leaders to inspire you to improve your life and live with purpose!
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