There are a lot of things that can keep you from losing the weight you want. I mean, really, we could do a whole year-long course on what those things are. Many times, those things aren’t what you think- it’s not the exercise or the calorie counting, or “right diet”. It could be some underlying things you’re not addressing. Here are 5 little-known weight loss saboteurs that could be keeping you from losing the weight you want.
#1: Stress
Stress activates the fight-or-flight response (the body’s involuntary response to a threat that makes your heart pound). The main hormone released during this response is the stress hormone, cortisol, boosts your insulin levels, which can cause you to pack on the pounds, especially around the midsection. Cortisol speeds up the aging process by breaking down collagen, suppresses the immune system, increases the risk of heart attack, stroke and kidney disease, and interferes with serotonin leading to depression, anxiety, and insomnia. The foods you choose can make it worse. Caffeine and sugar stimulate the nervous system increasing agitation, high-fat foods can cause digestion issues, and a diet void of nutrients doesn’t supply the nutrients needed for the body to properly deal with stress.
THE FIX: deal with your stress! Try things like deep breathing, mediation, getting outdoors, and getting at least 7-8 hours of sleep each night.
#2: Feeding your thirst
People oftentimes think they’re hungry when in reality they just need some water! If you’re not sure whether you’re hungry or thirsty, assume it’s the latter. Dehydration could be leading you to consume extra calories.
THE FIX: Drink more water ALL day long!
#3: Medications
Weight gain can often be a side effect of some medications. Medications that treat bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and depression, along with heart medications like beta-blockers, commonly cause weight gain.
THE FIX: Talk to your doctor about the side effects of any medications you’re taking and some other ways you can counter the effects.
#4: Artificial Sweeteners
A huge mistake many people make is thinking that artificial sweeteners are the answer to satisfy sweet cravings with no impact on weight. Studies have shown that those who consume foods with artificial sweeteners have a 41% increased risk of becoming overweight or obese. Artificial sweeteners confuse the body’s ability to recognize that it has had enough food and it causes more cravings for sweet food to make up for the calorie deficit. Artificial sweeteners can also cause havoc with your metabolism in the same way sugar does.
THE FIX: If you have to choose a sweeter, choose something like Stevia, which doesn’t have an effect on your blood sugar like artificial sweeteners.
#5: Toxic products in your home
Toxic chemicals from common household cleaning agents, cosmetics, plastics and more are being stored in the fat tissues of your body fueling disease, slowing your metabolism, and adding up to unhealthy weight gain.
Chemicals, such as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), disrupt normal endocrine activity in the body. These hormone disruptors can effect you in many ways, including interfering with the activity of estrogens, androgens, and other hormones that regulate fat metabolism in the body.
THE FIX: Choosing non-toxic items over toxic ones, choosing glass over plastic and metal, and move towards more natural cleaning products.
If you want to know some other things that could be holding you back from losing weight, check out my FREE masterclass Why Weight Loss is Not the Key to Health: 4 Things That Could Be Keeping You From Losing the Weight You Want. Click HERE to join!