Hopeful & Wholesome Blog

5 Things You Must Have in Your Pantry
Even though keeping healthy pantry is simple, it’s still important to have a plan in place! In this episode I talk about 5 things you

Things Women Don’t Want to Talk About with Dr. Sarah Boyles
Dr. Boyles is a urogynecologist who specializes in female pelvic floor health. She teaches women about how their bladder works, where it can go wrong,

Unconventional Ways to Find True Health with Dr. Siri Chand
Dr. SiriChand Khalsa is board certified in Internal Medicine, Integrative Medicine, Hospice/Palliative Medicine as well as a trained Ayervecid practitioner, yoga instructor and Reiki master.

Talking body love…
With the emergence of a New Year there is always self-reflection, and the internal battle on making healthier lifestyle choices. Which is why we’re talking

Changing Your Mindset Through Intuitive Eating with Tianna Smith
Tianna Smith is registered dietitian, certified intuitive eating counselor, specializing in eating disorders, disordered eating, and institutive eating. She helps women who want to learn

Foods you should always have in your pantry
I get these kinds of questions a lot… what’s your go-to ___ (fill in the blank)… People always want to know what the “magic” food