A Healthy Pelvic Floor Through All Stages of Pregnancy and Beyond with Dr. Ryan Bailey
Dr. Ryan Bailey is a physical therapist who helps women bring balance to their body while preparing for conception, stay active and pain free through
Dr. Ryan Bailey is a physical therapist who helps women bring balance to their body while preparing for conception, stay active and pain free through
Camille is a registered dietitian, public health writer, and former chronic dieter dedicated to helping women quit dieting, set bigger and better goals, reclaim their
About the Episode I often hear how “expensive” it is to be healthy. Funny because so many things we could be doing to push our
Anat Peri is the Founder of Training Camp for the Soul and a Transformational Life Coach, specializing in developing her clients’ emotional resiliency as the
Mel is a clinical herbalist and educator, owner of Mountain Mels- herbal products company. Her journey in and out of wellness, challenge of entrepreneurship, podcast
Robyn Cruz is a mental health and addiction advocate, speaker, and author. She is a National Recovery Advocate for Eating Recovery Center (ERC.) and ERC’s
This information is being provided to you for educational and informational purposes only. It is not intended to treat or cure any specific illness and is not to replace the guidance provided by your own medical practitioner. If you are under the care of a healthcare professional or currently use prescription medications, you should discuss any dietary changes or potential dietary supplements use with your doctor, and should not discontinue any prescription medications without first consulting your doctor. If you suspect you have a medical problem, we urge you to take appropriate action by seeking medical attention.
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